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The following sites will help you find activities for students of any age group and type of program.

Sites to help you find activities for students

This website is a content sharing service that allows members to "pin" images, videos and other objects to their pinboard.  Here you can find activities that people have already tried and enjoyed.  This site helps to pick and chose activities that suit what you are looking for and what pertain to your age group.

Here students can collaborate with each other, or in my case with their Big Brothers/Sisters, to make different kinds of videos together.  Other matches or students can comment on them and put in their feedback or own ideas.

Click on the logo to watch a video on what MentorMob can do!  This site is great for helping search for different activities or videos to teach students on new fun and exciting topics!  You can create "playlists" and these playlists can contain static web pages, videos, images, and text to help teach a subject or concept.  You don't have to search through inappropriate sites or videos either because everything is already curated into one playlist of a certain topic! 

Glogster EDU is a leading global education platform for the creative expression of knowledge and skills in the classroom and beyond. This site allows you to create GLOGS - online multimedia posters - with text, photos, videos, graphics, sounds, drawings, data attachments and more.  Unfortunately this is not a free service.


Creaza is a creative tool for students to learn how to create movies, cartoons, mind maps, presentations, soundscapes and much more. Allows for built-in media library, combines reading, writing and multimedia with critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. 

Watch the tutorial video by clicking on the Ted-Ed icon!  This site is a great tool for teaching subjects and "flipping" the classroom.  Students can search different subjects and take their learning into their own hands!​

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